Here are the various disclaimers.

Middle Kingdom Herald's Report Form - Domesday Report

This is an annual review of the heraldic activities of your office. Group Pursuivants and Pursuivants at Large should send this report to the Dragon Herald and to your Regional Herald. Reports are due by December 31st. If you do not send in a Domesday report (and fail to contact Dragon and your Regional for an extension) it is assumed you are resigning from office. Important: Group Pursuivants, make sure you include a list of awards received by members of your group this year.

SCA Name: Merouda Pendray (reporting as Evergeen Herald)
Legal Name: Elyse C. Boucher
Address: 2004 S. 70th St.
City: West Allis State/Province: Wisconsin Zip: 53219
Telephone Number: (unlisted) E-mail Address:
SCA Membership #: (private)

Heraldic Activities this Year (ex: Court Heraldry; Consulting on Heraldic Submissions; Workshops; Classes Taught or Attended; etc.). Feel free to go into as much detail as you like. At a minimum include a brief summary of your own personal activities and heraldic activities at events and demos hosted by your group:

Hmmm, I didn't do a terrific job of keeping track of my work this year. I heralded several courts, but can only recall actually running one: Principality court, Sunday Bloody Sunday in Rockwall. I did lots of personal consulting with clients, assisted at or ran consulting tables at: Coronation of Kenna Harve; Sunday, Bloody Sunday II; Fighter's School; Coronet and Investiture of Belrix and Prism; Windhaven's 25th Birthday. I have joined Caer Anterh's commenting group, and I usually work through them, with any special point I want to make being directed to Lord Rouge Scarpe through email. I have an "Evergreen Herald" Page under construction at I monitor and discuss issues on MK-Heralds and on Northshield Hall; some of my writings (especially the title messages) are to be incorporated into the Evergreen page. My scribal activities, as usual, are darn near boundless, but that doesn't count for the Herald's Domesday. ;)

Submissions made by members of your group this year. If known, include information about submissions made last year but resolved (i.e. registered or returned) this year: Not Applicable. Reminders: The new submission forms are available from your Regional Herald, from the Dragon Herald, or on the web (off the Kingdom's web page at The current submissions fee is $8.00 per item being submitted (waived for name or device submissions for SCA groups and for all resubmissions made within one year of the notification of return). Group Pursuivants are not authorized to accept additional money for postage. It is strongly recommended that once a Group Pursuivant takes a look at the completed paperwork to make sure everything is in order, the paperwork is given back to the submitter for them to mail to the Escutcheon Herald themselves. This takes care of the question of money for postage, and also makes the client, rather than the Group Pursuivant, responsible for the processing of their submissions.

Questions and Comments. What is working well? What isn't working well? Do you have the information you think you need to do your job? Is there anything you would like to see done differently, have questions about, or need help with?

Actually, if I could have anything, I'd have a new list of all the warrented heralds and pursuivants with whom I'm supposed to be maintaining contact. It is difficult to arrange for a table if I don't know whom I am to be contacting, and I have, upon occassion, just shown up at an event with books in hand only to discover that my services are not desired at the event. This, as you may imagine, is not a happy situation. Furthermore, as a result of the devestation of my famiuly this year, I have been less mobile than I would have liked (Mom passed away Nov. 6, so I will not be needing most of my weekends for running back down to Illinois.); having a contact roster would have made it far easier to call the pursuivant to find out if s/he was planning a table and if there was any help I could offer. Further, it would be a great boon if the online order of precedence was updated.

Domesday Report - Awards Listing

Please include an alphabetical listing of members of your group who've received awards in the past year. Also, if there are any other corrections needed to the Kingdom Order of Precedence (missing awards, someone who has moved in from another Kingdom, etc.) list those separately.

(Deleted from online report)

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